Edit and Manage Events

Invite guests to an event

1. Invite guests to an event [NEW].mp4

Check the availability of guests

2. Check the availability of guests [NEW.mp4

Reserve a room or resource for an event

3. Reserve a room or resource for an event [NEW].mp4

Set a notification for an event

4. Set a notification for an event [NEW].mp4

Manage video calls

5. Manage video calls [NEW].mp4

Use other video conferencing services with Calendar

6. Use other video conferencing services with Calendar [NEW].mp4

Add an attachment to an event

7. Add an attachment to an event [NEW].mp4

Change privacy settings for an event

8. Change privacy settings for an event [NEW].mp4

Respond to invitations

9. Respond to invitations [NEW].mp4

Delete or remove an event

10. Delete or remove an event [NEW].mp4